॥ कृष्णाष्टकम् ॥
गोपालबालं नन्दलालं गोविन्ददेवं मन्दहासम् ।
गोपप्रियं तं वृष्णिवंशं गोग्रामभूपं नौमि नित्यम् ॥१॥
I bow to the cowboy child, son of Nandagopa, Govinda, one with smile, beloved of cowboys, belonging to Vrishni race, and king of cow-village.
राधामनीषं सुन्दराभं रामानुजं तं वासुदेवम् ।
राकानुकान्तं राजराजं रासानुकेलिं नौमि नित्यम् ॥२॥
I bow to the beloved to Radha, one with beautiful luster, the younger of Rama 9meaning younger of Balarama as well the next incarnation after Rama), son of Vasydeva, one whose brightness is followed by Purnima Moon, the King of Kings and one who engages himself in Raasa Krdaa.
वीराधिवीरं यादवेशं वीरप्रमेयं शान्तिदूतम् ।
वीरार्जुनीयं सारथिं तं वीरस्वरूपं नौमि नित्यम् ॥३॥
I bow to the courageous of the most courageous, God of Yadavas, definition of gallant, peace ambassador, the gallant of Arjuna (behind force of Arjuna) as charioteer, and that form of gallant.
देवाधिदेवं देवकीजं देशाधिराजं द्वारकेशम् ।
देवेन्द्रवन्द्यं दारुरूपं देहात्मरूपं नौमि नित्यम् ॥४॥
I bow to the Chief of all Gods, son of Devaki, Emperor of the nation (here, देश means various things such as land), King of Dwaraka, one who is bowed by Devendra, a form of wood (In Jagannath Puri (Odisha) Sri Krishna is in the form of wood), and both in the for of Body and Self.
नारायणं तं पार्थमित्रं नाट्याभिरामं नन्दसूनुम् ।
नासच्छ्रुतीयं मूलभूतं नामार्थरूपं नौमि नित्यम् ॥५॥
I bow to that (who is spoken in Vedas) Narayana, friend of Arjuna, Expert (appreciator) of dance, son of Nanda, basis for the Veda Vakya नासदीय Sukta, and who is in the form of word and meaning.
सत्यं प्रशान्तं वेदमूर्तिं सत्त्वस्वरूपं याजुषं तम् ।
सत्यार्थमूर्तिं शुद्धतत्त्वं सद्बुद्धिदायं नौमि नित्यम् ॥६॥
I bow to the Ultimate Truth, Tranquilized, Formof Vedas, form of existence (Sattva has several meanings), Form of Yajur Veda (or Yaga), form of reality, pure entity, and the giver of good thoughts.
पारार्थ्यमीशं वेदवन्द्यं पाशेन बद्धं लोकनाथम् ।
पारं भवेशं ज्ञानसिन्धुं पादौ शरण्यौ नौमि नित्यम् ॥७॥
I bow to the Ultimate phenomenon, God, who is bowed by Vedas, bound by the thread of love, God of all worlds, God of this Samsara, Ocean of Knowledge, and whose Feet are the only refuge.
कृष्णं कृपेशं दीननाथं कृत्नुं यशोदानन्दबालम् ।
कृष्टिं बुधेशं यज्ञपालं कृष्णापरेशं नौमि नित्यम् ॥८॥
I bow to Sri Krishna, God of mercy, God of poor the skillful, the child of Yashoda and nanda, scholar, King of scholars, protector of Yagas ad the supreme god of Draupati.
कृष्णाष्टकं यो दैवनाथं भक्त्या पठेच्छ्रीजन्मकाले ।
सौख्यं समृद्धिं प्राप्नुयाद्वै मोक्षं परं श्रीरस्तु भूयः ॥९॥
Who recites this Eight Shlokas with devotion authored by Devanathah on the eve of Janmashtami will get all comforts, wealth in opulence, besides liberation from this world.