Wednesday, April 27, 2016


1) Sayana gives meaning of अमः as बलम् (strength or power) (R.V.6-61-8)

2) Also while explaining the mantra (R.V.5-56-3) gives meaning as “strength or power”.

3) In another place he explains अमः as सर्वतो गमनशीलं बलम् meaning “power to move in all directions” (R.V.6-93-14)

4) In Ekagnikanda “अमः means “साम (सा त्वमस्यमो’हम् = सा त्वम् असि = your are Rik, अमः अहम् = I am Saama)

5) Sayana explains अमः in (T.S.4-7-2) as “अमः = अप्रमेयत्वं विरोधिभिः इयत्तया परिच्छेत्तुम् अशक्यत्वम्। meaning “immeasurable i.e. enemies cannot measure how much it is”. So, by implication we get the meaning as “strength or power”. 

6) अमो नामासि अमा हि सर्वमिदम् (छान्दोग्य-उपनिस्द्) Here, अमः means “प्राणाः” the air that is known as प्राणाः। it is so called because it always moving with dynamism. (सर्वदा गतिमत्त्वात्) 

7) अम गत्यादिषु (भ्वादिः सकर्मकः सेट् परस्मैपदी) is the root. अमति (गच्छति) इति अमः । Meaning that “one moves”. As roots have many meanings, it is derived to mean “strength or power”.

Hence, except in S.No.4 (which is entirely different context) in all other instances अमः means "power or strength".

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