Today we observe Women’s Day at Inter-national level. My heartiest
greetings are to Women. I honour them and respect them with utmost sincerity.
My Mother and everyone’s Mother showed this world to her child even before the
child touch this Land when the child was in her womb.
I do not want to land into controversy or debate, which were held in
abundance. My only question to my self and to our Sanatana Society is why did
we make them a mere Kitchen Maker? Is it voluntary acceptance by the women or an
imposed one? Of course, there is no meaning in discussing those issues. At the
least, we men folk should change our mind-set and take a pledge on this day
that we sincerely honour and respect them. We need not give equal status to
them. Because, who are we to give? If we say that “we give”, that itself shows
our domination and right over them in all aspects. Let them progress, if
possible let us lend them a supporting hand or else we should keep quite. So
that women could achieve their goals and status they deserve.
OK. My purpose of this write up is different. I wish to analyze the general
names of women that are enumerated in Koshas and Sanskrit literature. The very
definition of these names shows the status they enjoyed in our Bharat. My
purpose of showing the meaning of these terms is to remind our society, men
folk and other stake-holders to realize and recognize them.
There are eleven synonyms in general for women in Sanskrit. Though, they
are so many names to refer women, here, we analyze only these eleven synonyms
as they are in common usage.
1. स्त्री – this is a very name and mostly
in usage not only in Sanskrit and other languages also. What does this term
mean? This is derived from the root स्त्यै संघाते and the definition phrase for this is स्त्यायतः
शुक्र-शोणिते यस्याम्. It means “where the ovum and sperm combine and become one cell” which
later grow into a child. There is nothing inferior or negative connotation of
women conveyed by this term. This term simply explains the nature of women and
how they are instrumental in production.
2. & 3. योषित् and योषा – This term also refers women’s
nature and it reveals their quality. From the root यु मिश्रणे, it is derived. यौति मिश्रीभवतीति is the definition. This means
that the women mingle with the family, society etc. This term praises the
nature of women and recognizes their attitude.
4. अबला – This term in fact shows them
inferior and powerless. Vigraha for this is नास्ति बलं यस्याः
सा, meaning who has
no power or strength. However, the usage in actual situation is different.
Almost all the quotes available in literature talk against the actual meaning
of this word. For example, a portion of a poem of Udbhata quoted by Vacaspatyam
is as follow:
हृदये वहसि गिरीन्द्रौ त्रिभुवनजयिनी कटाक्षेण ।
अबला त्वं यदि मन्ये के बलवन्तो न जानीमः ॥
The poet exclaims “O Devi, if your are अबला, then whoever else be powerful!”
Probably this term came to usage in a later period when the women were made as
Kitchen-Makers. That is the reason poets could not digest this term.
5. नारी – This is a special term in usage
but we use this without knowing its meaning. The definition phrase for this is नुः अर्थात् नरस्य
वा धर्म्म्या meaning
“women is the source for all human Dharma”. Without her, the men are not even
fit to perform Fire Worship. Without their permission, men cannot even donate a
single pie to anybody. Thus, this term explicitly explores their familial and
social status. Even this can be explained as नरधर्म्माचारयुक्ता meaning observer of human (code
of) conducts women being the controller and protector of human race in harmony
with the universe.
6. सीमन्तिनी –this term
refers their special physique. They have their केशबर्त्म (way in hair). This rather shows
the culture, style of living and the fashion they adopted in those days.
Now-a-days it is not seen in many women, it does not insist to have that way of
hair dressing. It only shows and reflects the style of those days.
7. वधू – Though this is used for
newly-wed, however, it is also used in general term. उह्यते इति = वधू. Meaning who manages or bears
the good and bad of both the houses (mother’s and in-laws). This is an
excellent term reveals their responsibility in the society.
8. प्रतीपदर्शिनी is
another term. प्रतीपं प्रतिकूलं पश्यतीति is the definition. In decision
making whether in society or in family, women always think about the effects of
each action. Then they take decision. It is said “उपायं चिन्तयेत्
प्राज्ञः अपायम् अनुचिन्तयेत्”. Women always think about the pros and cons of any action, and then they
9. वामा – women are leftist in thinking
and taking decision. For that they always see the negative views first. वमति प्रतिकूलम् एव
अर्थं प्रथमं पश्यति,
meaning the same as प्रतीपदर्शिनी. There is another definition for this term as
या पुनः पूज्यमाना तु देवादीनां तु पूर्वतः ।
यज्ञभावं स्वयं धत्ते सा वामा तु प्रकीर्त्तिता ॥
According to this definition, women are right-holders to have the “Yaga-Bhaga”
first. This is the utmost recognition given to women in those days.
10. वनिता – This is derived from the root वन व्यापृतौ meaning they are always engaged in some sort of assignments related to family,
society, nation or Yaga. This is in no way shows them as inferior or powerless.
11. महिला – This is the derivation from the
root मह पूजायाम्. The
definition for this is मह्यत इति महिला. It means who is worshipped. This can be defined as महस्य उत्सवस्य इला
भूमिः इति महिला
also. It means who is the land (centre) of celebrations. Somewhere it is
referred as महला also. This means
महम् उत्सवं लातीति महला meaning who bring celebrations (in family or society).
Thus, it is explicit from the terms that how women enjoyed higher status in
our society and how they were treated. Now, it is our turn to revive that
system of living and regard women with high esteem. Somewhere, the initiation
has to begin, that why not from us and that too from today itself.
With high respect and regard to the holder of Sanatana Dharma – the Women.
आचार्येभ्यः धन्यवादाः सुन्दराय अस्मै विचारयुक्ताय लेखाय ।
आचार्येभ्यः धन्यवादाः सुन्दराय अस्मै विचारयुक्ताय लेखाय ।
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