Thursday, September 29, 2016


Poet Magha in his Kavya Shishupalavadha uses this word जवनिका as “सतां जवनिका निकामसुखिनाम्” (4.54) as quoted in SKD. Period of Magha is 7th Century. Also VP quotes Harivamshapurana where this usage is found as “रेजुर्जवनिकाक्षेपैः सपक्षा इव खे नगाः”. The period of Harivamshapurana which is treated as a supplementary to MBH is 2nd century. And another usage of this word is found in Chatushloki (a treatise of Vishishtadvaita) as “ कान्तस्ते पुरुषोत्तम: पणिपति: शय्यासनम् वाहनं वेदात्मा विहगेश्वरो यवनिका माया जगन्मोहिनी” authored by Alavandar whose period is 10th century. In Shivamahapurana it is found as “द्वारयागं जवनिकांपरिवारबलिक्रियाम्”. Date of Shivapurana is 11th century.. Also in Skandapurana (17th century) as “ कृत्वा जवनिकां वृक्षं बाणमेकं मुमोच ह”. Bharatamuni uses this word in Natyashastra as “एतानि तु बहिर्गीतान्यन्तर्यवनिकागतैः” (NS.5-11). His date is 3rd century BC. जवनं वेगेन प्रतोरोधनम् अस्ति अस्याः इति जवन​+ठन्+टाप्=जवनिका इति SKD. जु करणे ल्युट्+कन्+टाप्=जवनिका इति VP.This is also called as जवनी. So it seems that it is in vogue since a long time and “javanikA” means one that speedily becomes an obstruction.


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