Sunday, October 18, 2015

Lakshmi Stuti - 6

वल्ल्यां दृष्टं कमलकुसुमं जातु नैवेह दृश्यं
हेमाब्जे वै दृशिमुपगता वल्लरी चित्रमेतत् ।
वीचीश्रेणी मुखमतिशुभं सन्निकृष्टा त्वदीयं
तस्मादाख्या लहरिवदना त्वं च लब्धासि भद्रे ।।६।।

We saw a lotus blossom on a creeper. But here surprisingly a creeper blossomed on a lotus. Figuratively it means that Lakshmi (creeper) on the lotus. Series of waves often come near the face of Lakshmi (as she is in the ocean) because of which Lakshmi is known as Wave-faced. In the village Aheendrapuram in Cuddalore district of Tamilnadu, Goddess Lakshmi is known as तरङ्गमुखनन्दिनी । Because Goddess is near the River Garudanadi, the waves of which come near the face of Goddess.

हम देखें हैं लता पर पद्म को परन्तु यहां पर एक पदम के ऊपर लता दिखती है क्या आश्चर्य ! यहां पद्म पर विराजमान लक्ष्मी का रूपक है । लक्ष्मी के मुख के समीप समुद्र पर विराजमान होने के कारण लहरें आते जाते रहते हैं जिस के कारण आप तरङ्गमुखनन्दिनी जानी जाती हैं ।।

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