Friday, October 2, 2015


त्यक्त्वा भागीरथीं पृष्ठेsलकनन्दां नदन्तीं च | गंगे ख्याता भुवि पूता पुण्यैर्नद्यौ ते स्मरतात् ||१||
O Gange ! Remember those two Rivers Bhagirathi and Alakananda whom you left behind and became famous pious River in this world.
शान्ता भागीरथी शान्तिं घोषं घोषालकनन्दा | दत्त्वा गंगे शान्तघोषां कारिते त्वां ते स्मरतात् ||२||
O Gange ! Bhagirathi gave you the quality of silence and Alakananda gave you the quality of noise, thereby you became silent and noisy. You ought to remember those two Rivers.
दशरथगिरेर्याता नरहरिगिरेर्वाहा | शमनदगुणैर्गंगे नरबुधगणैर्वन्द्ये ||३||
You passes through Dasharatha Mountain and flows through Narasimha Mountain with silent and noisy qualities and you are being saluted by both Gods and Humans. 
रामेणाथ तपः तप्तं गंगे त्वत्र तव स्थाने | शान्तो राम इहाभूत्ते शीतैस्त्वद्रसमाधुर्यैः ||४||
Sri Ram was in penance in this place of yours. He became calm by your cold waters. 
देवप्रयागे गंगे त्वं रामप्रसादं प्राप्याभूः | पूता प्रसन्ना सन्मार्गा जातान्नजान् संरक्षेः ||५||
O Gange ! you became pious, happy and the follower of right path in this Devaprayag having blessed by Sri Ram and protect the born and unborn.  
रमणीयः त्वदुद्भवो वहनीयं तवाद्भुतम् | सुरशर्मप्रतिष्ठितं नगरं देवसंगमम् ||६|| 
Your source is beautiful and wonderful is your flow in this city of Devaprayag established by Deva Sharma.
रघुनाथपदचिह्नं ह्यभिषिच्य वरगङ्गे । भजसीह बहुशान्तिं नदनाच्च विरते हे ॥७॥ 
Here, you touches the foot-print of Sri Ram (which is seen even now) and become very calm leaving your roaring. 
इह या शमता दमता दृष्टा न च सा चरता मृदुता प्राग्वा । बहुशो बहुधा वहती क्रूरा कृपया शमतां चरतात् गङ्गे ॥८॥
The silence and control which are seen here (Deva Prayag) could not be seen elsewhere your soft flow. You flow with cruelty at various places in various way. Please, Gange ! flow with silence.
गङ्गे कीर्तिं रघुनाथस्य नेतुं लोके त्वरिता किं नु | शीघ्रं कर्तुं शुभकार्यस्य यत्नो नूनं तव कीर्त्यश्च ||९||
O Gange ! You flow with speed. Does that to spread the fame of Sri Ram? Your efforts to this spread this good job is to be praised indeed.
पोषिता तोषिता पोषकैर्वारिभि: गर्जिता भाषिता पर्वते सानुभि: | वासिता काशिता मेघजैर्बिन्दुभि: घोषिता भूषिता कर्मभूभारते ||१०||
Your nurtured and made happy by the tributaries. You speak and roar at the bottom of the mountains. You became good-smelled and brought to light by the waters of the clouds. That is why you are honoured and proclaimed as pious in this Land of Deed - Bharat.
सत्यं स्रवसि जिह्मा पद्धतिं श्रयसि गङ्गे नित्यं नदसि भूमौ संस्कृतिं वहसि दूरम् | भक्त: तव च पादौ श्रद्धया नमति भक्त्या देवा सपदि तुष्टा ईप्सितं ददति सर्वम् ||११||
You flow truth, take the right path, always sound, and spread the culture long. Devotees salute your feet with dedication. Gods having become happy give all whatever the people want.
क्वचिच्छान्ता गर्जिता क्वचन भूमौ क्वचिन्मन्दा वेगिनी क्वचन देशे | क्वचित्क्रान्ता कौटिला क्वचन मार्गे क्वचिच्छ्रान्ता जृम्भिता क्वचन गङ्गे ||१२||
O Gange, You are somewhere silent, somewhere roaring, flow slow at places and with speed in some places, flow straight somewhere and flow zigzag in other places, somewhere flow as if tired and in some places fresh with speed. 
पाताले प्रवहति सुधाधारा ह्याकाशे प्रचलति तवाधारा | हृद्देशे प्रभवति मनोधारा सर्वस्मिन् प्रलयति कृपाधारा ||१३||
You flow in Patala (under-worlds), also seen in the sky, you are always in our hearts aas mind-flow and you flow mercy-stream on all of us.
विष्णोर्नखाग्रादुद्भूता शम्भोर्जटाग्रादाभूता | हैमाच्छरीरान्निर्भूता भूमौ सदाग्रे सम्भूता ||१४||
You came out from the tip of the nail of Vishnu. You came to light from the Hair of Shiva. You began to flow from the body of Himalayas. You are always seen on the surface of the Earth.
पञ्चसङ्गमो दिव्यबोधको मुख्यसङ्गमो मोक्षदायक: | अर्णसङ्गमो रोगनाशको हृद्विसङ्गमो भावनाशक: ||१५||
The Five Confluences indicate Divinity. The main Confluence at Prayagraj gives Moksha. The confluence with Ocean is removes all diseases. The confluence of Ganga with the heart liberate us from this world. 
गङ्गे शृङ्गे समुत्पन्ने पङ्के तुङ्गे समापन्ने | रङ्गे वङ्गे समासन्ने चाङ्गे भङ्गे सुधापन्ने ||१६||
O Gange ! You comes out from high mountains, mingles with mud and highs, reaches the place of Banga (Bay of Bengal) and becomes a nectar when one's body breaks. 
सदा शुद्धा सकलपापविदग्धा सना पूता निखिलमार्गविशुद्धा | समा नित्याऽखिलजनार्त्तिविनाशा
परे गङ्गे त्वमिह साम्यविधात्री ||१७||
O Gange ! You are always pure and remove all the sins. You are eternally pious and purifies all the ways. You destroy all sorrows of all and become equalizer. O Supreme Gange ! You are here the champion of social equality.  
गतिर्विचित्रा क्रिया पवित्रा नया विनीता भिया प्रभूता | फलं विधातुं धरावतीर्णा जना नमन्ति स्तुतिं वदन्त:||१८||
Your flow is nondescrptive yet your actions are pious. Your moves are submissive yet you create high fear in us. All the people chanting your prayers salute you as you came to this world to give us results.
गङ्गे त्वां प्रतिदिनमभिमन्त्रयन्ति विबुधा: यत्र त्वं न भवति भुवि तत्र यासि तरसा | सार्थक्यं भजति हि कृषिकार्यपूर्तिविधया सामर्थ्यं वहति च नरपापभारनिचये ||१९||
O Gange ! Scholars everyday invokes you and you present there where you are not in the earth. You prove useful in agriculture self -sufficiency. You also have the ability to remove all the sins.
या गङ्गा सर्वतीर्थेषु शक्तिरूपेण वर्तते | तां गङ्गां भक्तिभावेन नौमि सर्वार्थसिद्धये ||२०||
I salute that Ganga with devotion to get all wishes fulfilled, who remains as undercurrent (power) in all waters. 
य: पठेच्छ्रद्धया गङ्गा- विंशतिं सिद्धिदां पराम् | सौख्यसम्पत्प्रदां शुभां सर्वमाप्नोति हीप्सितम् ||२१||
Who chants these twenty verses on Ganga with devotion that gives ultimate accomplishment, comfort and wealth and happiness certainly gets all desires fulfilled.


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