Mahanamni verses are a set of ten verses known as Mahanmni or Sakvari Richas. These Richas are expected to give the desired result if chanted (recited) by a Brahmacharin having undergone a rigorous vow for twelve or ten or nine years at the least. These Rcihas are also found in Samaveda in the Purvarchika as an appendix. (Parishishta). Devata of this Richas is Indra.
The Gobhila Grihya Sutra explains this Sakvari Vrata as follows - G.G.S-3
द्वादश महानाम्निकाः संवत्सराः १ नव षट् त्रयः २ इति विकल्पः ३ संवत्सरमप्येके ४ व्रतं तु भूयः ५ पूर्वैश्चेच्छ्रुता महानाम्न्यः ६ अथापि रौरुकिब्राह्मणं भवति ७ कुमारान्ह स्म वै मातरः पाययमाना आहुः ८ शक्वरीणां पुत्रका व्रतं पारयिष्णवो भवतेति ९ तास्वनुसवनमुदकोपस्पर्शनम् १० नानुपस्पृश्य भोजनं प्रातः ११ सायमुपस्पृश्याभोजनमा समिदाधानात् १२ कृष्णवस्त्रः १३ कृष्णभक्षः १४ आचार्याधीनः १५ अपन्थदायी १६ तपस्वी १७ तिष्ठेद्दिवा १८ आसीत नक्तम् १९ वर्षति च नोपसर्पेच्छन्नम् २० वर्षन्तं ब्रूयादापः शक्वर्य इति २१ विद्योतमानं ब्रूयादेवंरूपाः खलु शक्वर्यो भवन्तीति २२ स्तनयन्तं ब्रूयान्मह्या महान्घोष इति २३ न स्रवन्तीमतिक्रामेदनुपस्पृशन् २४ न नावमारोहेत् २५ प्राणसंशये तूपस्पृश्यारोहेत् २६ तथा प्रत्यवरुह्य २७ उदकसाधवो हि महानाम्न्य इति २८ एवं खलु चरतः कामवर्षी पर्जन्यो भवति २९ अनियमो वा कृष्णस्थानासनपन्थभक्षेषु ३० तृतीये चरिते स्तोत्रीयामनुगापयेत् ३१ एवमितरे स्तोत्रीये ३२ सर्वा वान्ते सर्वस्य ३३ उपोषिताय संमीलितायानुगापयेत् ३४ कँ समपां पूरयित्वा सर्वौषधीः कृत्वा हस्ताववधाय प्रदक्षिणमाचार्योऽहतेन वसनेन परिणह्येत् ३५ परिणहनान्ते वानुगापयेत् ३६ परिणद्धो वाग्यतो न भुञ्जीत त्रिरात्रमहोरात्रौ वा ३७ अपि वारण्ये तिष्ठेदास्तमयात् ३८ श्वो भूतेऽरण्येऽग्निमुपसमाधाय व्याहृतिभिर्हुत्वाथैनमवेक्षयेत् ३९ अग्निमाज्यमादित्यं ब्रह्माणमनड्वाहमन्नमपो दधीति ४० स्वरभिव्यख्यं ज्योतिरभिव्यख्यमिति ४१ एवं त्रिः सर्वाणि ४२ शान्तिं कृत्वा गुरुमभिवादयते ४३ सोऽस्य वाग्विसर्गः ४४ अनड्वान्कँ सो वासो वर दक्षिणाः ४५ प्रथमे विकल्पः ४६ आच्छादयेद्गुरुमित्येके ४७ ऐन्द्रः स्थालीपाकस्तस्य जुहुयादृचं साम यजामह इत्येतयर्चा सदसस्पतिमद्भुतमिति वोभाभ्यां वा ४८ अनुप्रवचनीयेष्वेवम् ४९ सर्वत्राचार्षं तदशकं तेनारात्समुपगामिति मन्त्रविशेषः ५० आग्नेयेऽज ऐन्द्रे मेषो गौः पावमाने पर्वदक्षिणाः ५१ प्रत्येत्याचार्यं सपरिषत्कं भोजयेत् ५२ सब्रह्मचारिणश्चोपसमेतान् ५३ ज्येष्ठसाम्नो महानाम्निकेनैवानुगापनकल्पो व्याख्यातः //
The meaning as given below -
For the Sakvari verses, twelve, nine, six, or three (years through which the Vrata is to be kept) make up the various possibilities. He (who keeps the Sakvara-vrata) wears dark clothes. He eats dark food. He is entirely addicted to his teacher. He should stand in day-time. He should sit at night. According to some (teachers, the Vrata may last only) one year, if the ancestors (of the student) have learnt (the Sakvari verses). (The teacher) should sing (those verses) to (the student) who has fasted and veiled his eyes (thinking), 'May (the teacher) not burn me (with the Sakvari verses). In the morning they make (the student) look at such things as they expect will not burn him, viz. water, fire, a calf, the sun. At water (he should look) with (the words), 'Water have I beheld!' At fire with (the words), 'Light have I beheld!' At the calf with (the words), 'Cattle have I beheld!' At the sun with (the words), 'The sky have I beheld!'--thus he should break his silence. A cow is the fee (for the teacher), A brazen vessel, a garment, and a golden ornament.
Though there are so many rules to be observed in this Vrata, I did not translate the whole part of Gobhila Sutra. I just translated to show the vigour and rigour of the vow.
If a Brahmachari performs this strictly adhering to the prescribed rules he could produce rain as per his wish. However, it is essential that a Brahmacharin should follow the rules. Before a student began to study the
Mahanamni or Sakvari verses forming a
supplement to the Sama Veda, he had to
prepare himself by keeping a vow, the Sakvari-vrata for twelve, nine, six, or
at least three years . Among the
many duties connected with this vow,
the student required to wear a
single dark cloth and eat dark
food; he should keep standing during the
day time, and pass the night sitting;
when it rained he should not seek cover;
After he had prepared himself by
these and other austerities, the verses
were recited to him. If everything is followed, then the Brahmacharin could produce rain according to his wish.
The Mahanamni Archikas -
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