Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Reasoning of Draupati


यद्यहं हारिता पूर्वं भवामि द्यूतकिङ्करी । 

आत्मा वा हारितः पूर्वं तदा नास्मि च हारिता ॥ पूर्वं = First, यदि = if, अहं = I am, हारिता = defeated, भवामि = (then I will) become, द्यूतकिङ्करी = the maid, (won on) bet, वा = or, पूर्वं = first, आत्मा = (he Yudhishthira) himself, हारितः = defeated (lost him), तदा = then, न च​ = not at all, अस्मि = (I) am, हारिता = defeated.
 संस्कृतम् - यदि धर्मपुत्रेण द्युते अहं (द्रौपदी) हारिता चेत् तर्हि अहं (द्रौपदी) द्यूते जिता सेविका भवामि । अथवा यदि धर्मपुत्रः प्रथमं द्यूते हारितः चेत कथम् अहं हारिता भवामि ?
 हिन्दी - द्रौपदी पूछ्ती है - अगर युधिष्ठिर मुझे पहले हारे हैः तो मैं आप लोगों की सेविका हो सकती हूं । अगर पहले युधिष्ठिर अपने को हराकर मुझे बाद् में हारें हैं तो मैं कैसे हारी हूम् ? अर्थात् अपने को खोने के बाद उनहें मुझे खोने का अधिकार नहीं है । English – If Yudhishthira lost me first then I become maid won on bet. If he lost himself first, then how can I be defeated ? It means that after losing himself first in the bet, he has no right to bet me.



c.v.venkateswaran said...

But I thought this was Bharathi's original idea not found anywhere in sanskrit texts

c.v.venkateswaran said...

But I thought it was Bharathi's original idea not found anywhere in sanskrit texts